A-Z Glossary of Terms Used in Digital Dating
The other interesting point is that more people are gay now...or bi...or a different gender to their birth certificate...or something in between. Of course, that's all absolutely fine. We are what we are. Fact. It just seems that the iKids are a bit more of that than Generation X and their predecessors were.
So, the language of love has changed a lot recently. There are literally hundreds of news terms used to describe sexual preferences and orientation.

- Race, Ethnic Origin, Physical Description & Characteristics.
- Lifestyle & Status.
- Sexual Orientation & Preferences.
- Religion.
- Miscellaneous Abbreviations, Acronyms & Slang Terms.
Video Summarizing MILF
Do you know what a MILF is? Do you know a MILF? Are you a MILF? If you know a term that we have missed, please tell us using this form.Race, Ethnic Origin, Physical Description & Characteristics
These Dating Terms are typically used to describe the sender/poster or the person they are looking for.- A (Asian)
- ABG (Asian Baby Girl)
- AZN (Asian)
- B (Black)
- BLK (Black)
- BB (Body Builder)
- BBC (Big Black Cock)
- BBW (Big Beautiful Woman)
- BBBW (Big Black Beautiful Woman)
- BEAR (Big And Hairy Gay Man)
- BHM: Big Handsome Man or Big Hunky Man or Bald Headed Man)
- BMW (Big Mexican Woman)
- BM (Black Man)
- BWC (Big White Cock)
- DBF (Divorced Black Female)
- DTE (Down to Earth)
- DWF (Divorced White Female)
- DWM (Divorced White Male)
- EVWE (Extremely Very Well Endowed)
- F (Female)
- FA (Fat Acceptance or Fat Admirer)
- FFA (Fat Female Admirer)
- GAM (Gay Asian Male)
- GBF (Gay Black Female)
- GBM (Gay Black Male)
- GC (Gay Couple)
- GF (Girlfriend or Gay Female)
- GHM (Gay Hispanic Male)
- GSH (Good Sense of Humour)
- GSOH (Good Sense of Humour)
- GWC (Gay White Couple)
- GWM (Gay White Male)
- H (Hispanic)
- HNG (Horny Net Geek)
- HAC (Hot Asian Chick)
- HASIAN (Hot Asian)
- HWP (Height Weight Proportional)
- MTF (Male to Female (Transgender))
- MWC (Married With Children or Married White Couple)
- NA (Native American)
- NRI (Non-Resident Indian)
- OTTER (Slim And Hairy Gay Man)
- PF (Professional Female)
- PM (Professional Male)
- SAF (Single Asian Female)
- SAM (Single Asian Male)
- SBF (Single Black Female)
- SBM (Single Black Male)
- SCF (Single Christian Female)
- SCM (Single Christian Male)
- SOH (Sense Of Humour)
- SSBBW (Super-Sized Big Beautiful Woman)
- SSBHM (Super-Sized Big Handsome Man)
- SWBIM (Single White Bisexual male)
- SWF (Single White Female)
- SWM (Single White Male)
- SWPF (Single White Professional Female)
- SWPM (Single White Professional Male)
- TDH (Tall, Dark and handsome)
- VGL (Very Good Looking)
- W (Widowed or White)
- W/E (Well Endowed )
- VWE (Very Well Endowed)
Lifestyle & Status
These abbreviations, acronyms and slang terms are used in digital dating to give an idea of the type of person that the poster is and their lifestyle, as well as the type of person they are looking for. Take care! Like all digital dating terms, these ones are often not used honestly!- 420 FRIENDLY (User of Cannabis or Tolerant of Cannabis Use)
- AL (Animal Lover)
- BB (Body Builder)
- CD (Cross-Dresser)
- D (Divorced)
- D2F (Down to F*ck, Drug and Disease Free)
- DBF (Divorced Black Female)
- DDF (Drug and Disease Free (see also D2F))
- DF (Disease Free, Drug Free)
- DWF (Divorced White Female)
- DWM (Divorced White Male)
- FSF (Female Seeking Female)
- FSM (Female Seeking Male)
- GCWOK (Gay Couple Without Kids)
- GU (Geographically Undesirable)
- K (Kids)
- LD (Light Drinker)
- LS (Life Story, Light Smoker)
- M (Male or Married)
- MBA (Married But Available)
- MBC (Married Black Couple)
- MBL (Married But Looking)
- MBM (Married Black Male)
- MC (Married Couple)
- MM (Married Man or Marriage Minded)
- MNC (Married, No Children)
- MWC (Married With Children or Married White Couple)
- NBM (Never Been Married)
- NK or N/K(No kids)
- NM (Never Married)
- NS or N/S (Non Smoker)
- OR (Open Relationship)
- PF (Professional Female)
- PM (Professional Male)
- SAF (Single Asian Female)
- SALT (Single and Loving It )
- SAM (Single Asian Male)
- SBF (Single Black Female)
- SBIM (Single Bisexual Male)
- SBM (Single Black Male)
- SCF (Single Christian Female)
- SCM (Single Christian Male)
- SD (Social Drinker)
- SGL (Single)
- SI (Similar Interests)
- SOLA (Single Or Living Alone)
- SWF (Single White Female or Straight White Female)
- SWM (Single White Male or Straight White Male)
- SWANK (Second Wife And No Kids, Single Woman And No Kids)
- W (Widowed or White)
- XLD (Extremely Light Drinker)
Sexual Orientation & Preferences
The digital dating terms used to refer to sexual orientation and preferences are usually predictable and mundane. However, some of them, especially those that refer to sexual preferences, can be quite explicit.- @N4l (Anal)
- B&D (Bondage & Domination or Bondage & Discipline)
- BB (Barebacking)
- BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission and Sado-Masochism)
- BI (Bisexual)
- BIF (Bisexual Female)
- BIM (Bisexual Male)
- BIMF (Bisexual Married Female)
- BIMM (Bixesual Married Male)
- CD (Cross-Dresser)
- CIM (Come in Mouth)
- COB (Come on Body)
- D/S (Dominance and Submission)
- DADDY (Dominant Male, Male Partner)
- DFK (Deep French Kissing )
- DOM (Dominant)
- DOMME (Female Dominant)
- DTF (Down To F*ck)
- G (Gay)
- GAM (Gay Asian Male)
- GBF (Gay Black Female)
- GBM (Gay Black Male)
- GC (Gay Couple)
- GF (Gay Female)
- GFE (Girlfriend Experience)
- GG (Game and Giving)
- GGG (Good, Giving and Game)
- GHM (Gay Hispanic Male)
- GWC (Gay White Couple)
- GWM (Gay White Male)
- L (Lesbian)
- LE$BEAN (Lesbian)
- LE DOLLAR BEAN (Lesbian)
- LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender)
- M4M (Man Looking For a Man)
- M4MW (Man Looking For a Man and Woman)
- M4T (Man Looking For a Transsexual or Man Looking For a Transvestite)
- M4W (Man Looking For a Woman)
- MW4M (Man and Woman Looking For a Man)
- MW4W (Man and Woman Looking for a Woman)
- OM4YM (Older Male for Younger Male)
- OWO (Oral Without a Condom)
- PEGGING (Female to Male/Female Anal Sex with Strapon)
- PSE (Porn Star Experience)
- RO (Reverse Oral)
- ROUGH TRADE (Casual Sex between Men from Different Social Classes)
- SBIM (Single Bisexual Male)
- SM (Sado-Masochism)
- STR8 (Straight)
- SUB (Submissive)
- SWF (Single White Female or Straight White Female)
- SWITCH (Both Dominant and Submissive)
- SWM (Single White Male or Straight White Male)
- T4M (Transgendered Looking For a Man)
- TG (Transgendered)
- TRADE (Young, Sexually Attractive Gay Male)
- TS (Transsexual)
- TV (Transvestite)
- W4M (Woman Looking for a Man)
- W4W (Woman Looking for a Woman)
- WS: Watersports)
- YM4OM (Younger Male for Older Male)
Religious Beliefs
To many people, the religious beliefs of a potential partner are very important. Below are the most common abbreviations used on online dating sites to refer to religion.- C (Christian)
- J (Jewish)
- LDS (Latter Day Saints or Mormon)
- SCF (Single Christian Female)
- SCM (Single Christian Male)
- SNAOTR (Spiritual not Atheist or Traditionally Religious)
Miscellaneous Abbreviations, Acronyms & Slang Terms
The following terms are used in text messaging, on online dating sites and social media in general chat about dating.- AFF (Adult Friend Finder)
- ASL (Age? Sex? Location?)
- ASL (Age? Sex? Location? Picture?)
- ACA (All Calls Answered)
- AF (As F*ck)
- AFF (Adult Friend Finder)
- AKA (Also Known As)
- ASF (As F*ck)
- BACKSLIDE (Return to a Former Partner)
- BAE (Baby, Before Anyone Else)
- BF (Boyfriend)
- BFWB (Best Friend Forever With Benefits)
- BFWB (Best Friends With Benefits)
- BREADCRUMBING (Sending flirty messages to keep a potential lover interested.)
- C (Couple)
- C2C (Cam To Cam)
- CAR (Catch And Release)
- CATFISH (Someone Who creates A False Identity Online)
- CILF (Cartoon I'd Like to F*ck)
- CMIYC (Catch Me If You Can)
- CORN (Pornography)
- CORNUCOPIA (Homophobia)
- COTD (Catch OF The Day)
- CPL (Couple)
- CU (See you)
- CUFF (Tie Down in a Relationship)
- CUFFED (Married or Already in A Relationship)
- CUM (Semen, To Ejaculate)
- CUSHIONING (Maintaining Alternative Romantic Relationships)
- DB (Dead Bedroom)
- DEEPLIKING (Scrolling back through someone's old social media posts and liking them.)
- DOB (Date Of Birth)
- DTR (Define The Relationship)
- E-FIT (Careful Editing of social media posts so they serve as an online dating profile.)
- EGGPLANT (Penis)
- EAT OUT (Perform Oral Sex on a Girl or Woman)
- EDGE (Point Just Before Orgasm)
- ENTANGLEMENT (Complicated Romantic Relationship)
- F2F (Face to Face)
- F9 (Fine, Get Rid, Promiscuous)
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- FBO (Facebook Official)
- FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)
- FTA (Fun, Travel, Adventure)
- FTTB (For The Time Being)
- FWB (Friends With Benefits)
- FYI (For Your Information)
- GF (Girlfriend)
- GHOST (End Contact Without Explanation)
- GOWM (Go Out With Me)
- GREEK (Anal Sex)
- GTSY (Good To See You)
- H/O (Hang Out))
- HAUNTING (When An Ex-Partner Reappears In Your Life)
- HUMMER (Oral Sex Technique)
- IPT (Is Partial To)
- IRL: (In Real Life)
- IRLY: (I Really like You)
- ISO (In Search Of)
- ISOLTR (In Search Of Long Term Relationship)
- JBY (Just Be Yourself)
- JELLY (Jealous)
- JELLY-ROLL (Genitalia)
- KRAY BAE: (Crazy Baby)
- KITTY (Vagina)
- LAYBY (Someone You Are Dating While Waiting For Better Options)
- LDA (Long Distance Affair)
- LDH (Long Distance Hug)
- LDR (Long Distance Relationship)
- LFG (Looking For Group)
- LOCKERING (Using Academic Studies as an Excuse for Cooling a Relationship)
- LSA (Limited Strings Attached)
- LTR (Long Term Relationship)
- LV (Love)
- MEET CUTE (A Romantic First Encounter)
- MLTR (Multiple Long Term Relationships)
- MM (Marriage Minded)
- MONKEY (Someone who moves quickly from one relationship to the next.)
- MOTOS (Member Of The Opposite Sex)
- MOTSS (Member Of The Same Sex)
- MTAF (More Than A Friend)
- MUNCH (Guy Who Performs Oral Sex on a Girl)
- NBSB (No Boyfriend Since Birth)
- NGSB (No Girlfriend Since Birth)
- ND (No Drugs)
- NETFLIX AND CHILL (Chill With Someone In Front Of The TV. (In dating terms, it is usually an invitation to have sex.))
- NIP NOPS (Nipples)
- NON-DATE DATE (A Date Arranged As A Social Get-Together, Rather Than A Romantic Event)
- NSA (No Strings Attached)
- OAT (On A Thing)
- OBOE (Penis)
- ONS (One Night Stand)
- OSO (Other Significant Other)
- OTH (On The Hook or Off The Hook)
- PEACOCKING (Dressing Up For Social Media Photos)
- PLAYER (Romantically or Sexually Promiscuous Person)
- POF (Plenty Of Fish)
- POSSLQ (Person Of The Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters)
- PUSSY (Vagina)
- Q (Cool)
- R-BOMBED (When Your Love Interest Ignores Your Messages)
- RL (Real Life)
- RTS (Real Time Sex)
- SECKS (Sex)
- SEGGS (Sex)
- SITUATIONSHIP (Undefined Romantic Relationship)
- SLAY Get A Lot Of Dates)
- SLOW-FADING (Slowly Winding Down Contact (with someone you have been dating))
- SMP (Sexual Marketplace)
- SO (Significant Other)
- SPOON (Cuddle Facing the Same Way)
- S/O (Significant Other)
- STR (Short Term Relationship)
- SWS (Sex Without Strings)
- TEXTLATIONSHIP (A Relationship Based Only On Digital Contact)
- THIRST TRAP (Picture Posted To Attract Attention)
- THIRSTY (Desperate For A Relationship)
- TLC (Tender Loving Care)
- TRIM (Vagina)
- TYVM (Thank You Very Much)
- UNCUFFING (Ditching A Long-Term Partner)
- V CARD (Virgin Card)
- VBD (Very Bad Date)
- VITAMIN-D (Penis)
- WAA (Will Answer All)
- WLTM (Would Like To Meet)
- WTR (Willing To Relocate)
- WUW (What Are You Wearing? Who Are You With?)
- X-FACTOR (A Very Special Personal Quality)
- Y (Why?, You or Yours)
- YODO: (You Only Dump Once)
- Y/O (Year-Old)
- ZOMBIE (A Ghost Who Reappears In Your Life (Online Or Real))
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