What Does EOB Mean in a Text?

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The Quick Answer

EOB means "Explanation of Benefits" and "End Of Business."

Explanation of Benefits

EOB is an abbreviation used by medical insurance companies with the meaning "Explanation of Benefits." In this context, an EOB is a document sent to a policy holder detailing medical treatments and services that have been claimed by healthcare service providers on the policy holder's behalf and indicating whether those claims have been approved.

End Of Business

The abbreviation EOB is used in financial markets with the meaning "End Of Business." It is the end of the trading day. (In New York City EOB is 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)). EOB is used in wider business circles to refer to the end of the business day. It is typically used in working environments that have contact with outside companies or clients to mean the time at which those contacts cease and attention turns to internal administration. This is usually sometime before the actual end of the working day. Other abbreviations with similar meaning to EOB include:

Image for EOB

When I write EOB, I mean this:

meaning of EOB

EOB also means "Explanation of Benefits."

Video Summarizing W/

Here's a short video explaining how EOB is used:

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:Explanation of Benefits
Guessability:guessability level 3

3: Guessable

Typical Users:typical user


Second Definition of EOB

"End of Business" is another definition for EOB.
Definition:End of Business
Guessability:guessability level 4

4: Difficult to guess

Typical Users:typical user


Examples of EOB in Sentences

Here's an example of EOB in a joke with the menaing "End of Business":
  • My father works for the city council. His EOB is 5:00 pm, and he's home by 4:30!

An Academic Look at EOB

EOB is an initialism abbreviation. Technically, this means it is pronounced using its individual letters (i.e., Ee, Oh, Be). However, as the abbreviation EOB is typically used for efficiency in writing and not efficiency in speech it is not often uttered using its letters. Initialisms contrast with acronyms, which are spoken like words.

What Did We Say before Texting and Social Media?

Before the digital era, we might have said something like "end of the day" or "close of business" instead of using the abbreviation EOB.

Example of EOB Used in a Text

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