What Does BAG Mean in a Text?

homesearch bBAG

The Quick Answer

BAG means "Cryptocurrency or Stock Holdings," "Horrible Woman," and "To Acquire."

Cryptocurrency or Stock Holdings

In the context of cryptocurrencies and stocks, bag is a term used to refer to the coins and tokens or shares an investor is holding. When the value of an investors bag drops significantly, but they refuse to sell, they are referred to as a bagholder. Check out our full list of cryptocurrency terms.

Horrible Woman

The word bag has long been used as offensive slang to refer to a woman who is considered to be of an obnoxious disposition. For example:
  • She can be a right bag when she wants to be.
  • The old bag at the store wouldn't sell me beers without an ID.

To Acquire

Bag is also a synonym of "to acquire" or to "obtain." For example:
  • I bagged a real bargain on Black Friday.
  • I'm gonna bag me a real hottie tonight!

Image for BAG

When I write BAG, I mean this:

meaning of BAG

BAG has a number of meanings.

Summary of Key Points for the First Definition

"Cryptocurrency or Stock Holdings" is the most common definition for BAG in cryptocurrency related chat.
Definition:Cryptocurrency or Stock Holdings
Guessability:guessability level 3

3: Guessable

Typical Users:typical user

Summary of Key Points for the Second Definition

"Horrible Woman" is a common definition for BAG on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
Definition:Horrible Woman
Guessability:guessability level 2

2: Quite easy to guess

Typical Users:typical user
Adults and Teenagers

Summary of Key Points for the Third Definition

"To Acquire" is another common definition for BAG.
Definition:To Acquire
Guessability:guessability level 2

2: Quite easy to guess

Typical Users:typical user
Adults and Teenagers

An Academic Look at BAG

When used with the meanings "Cryptocurrency or Stock Holdings," or "Horrible Woman," bag is noun (i.e., a naming word). When used with the meaning "To Acquire," bag is a verb (i.e., a doing word).

What Did We Say before Texting and Social Media?

Before the digital era, we might have said something like "xx" instead of BAG.

Example of BAG Used in a Text

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