What Does LUL Mean in a Text?

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The Quick Answer

LUL means "Love You Lots," "Lame Uncomfortable Laugh," and "Laughing Out Loud." The abbreviation LUL is used with the meanings "Love You Lots" and "Lame Uncomfortable Laugh." It is also used to mean "Laughing Out Loud."

Love You Lots

LUL is widely used as a term of endearment, with the meaning "Love You Lots" (or "Love You Loads"). In this context, LUL is typically used as a salutation at the end of a message, often between parents and children. It is sometimes used between couples in a light-hearted way. For example:
  • Nelly: Bye dad. Will call at the weekend. Love you.
  • Carl: Bye sweetheart. LUL.
  • Sam: Catch you tomorrow. LUL.
  • Jo: Okay. LUL too.
"Love You Lots" is more often abbreviated as LYL.

Lame Uncomfortable Laugh and Laughing Out Loud

When used to mean "Lame Uncomfortable Laugh," LUL is typically used in response to a bad joke or one made in poor taste. However, when used to mean "Laughing Out Loud" (in place of the usual LOL), it can indicate genuine amusement (especially on Amazon Twitch). For example:
  • Lee: Don't you hate it when someone answers their own questions? I do.
  • Del: LUL.
  • Nel: Did you know that Moses had the first tablet that could connect to the cloud?
  • Mel: LUL!
In both of these cases, LUL could be being used with the meaning "Lame Uncomfortable Laugh" or "Laughing Out Loud." Context and the relationship between the sender and recipient are crucial to understanding.

Image for LUL

When I write LUL, I mean this:

meaning of LUL

LUL also means "Lame Uncomfortable Laugh" and is sometimes used in place of "LOL."

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:Love You Lots (or Love You Loads)
Guessability:guessability level 3

3: Guessable

Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Second Definition of LUL

"Lame Uncomfortable Laugh" is another definition for LUL.
Definition:Lame Uncomfortable Laugh
Guessability:guessability level 3

3: Guessable

Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Third Definition of LUL

"Laughing Out Loud" is another definition for LUL, especially on Amazon Twitch.
Definition:Laughing Out Loud
Guessability:guessability level 3

3: Guessable

Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

An Academic Look at LUL

When used with the meaning "Love You Lots," the abbreviation LUL is normally used as a declarative sentence (i.e., a statement). It is not often used as another part of speech within a wider sentence. As it is pronounced using its individual letters (i.e., "Ell Yoo Ell"), LUL is classified as an initialism abbreviation. Initialisms are different to acronyms, which are spoken like words.

The Evolution of "LOL"

This video shows the evolution of the term "LOL" and the various laughing emojis:
What does LOL really mean?

Example of LUL Used in a Text

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