What Does PVC Mean in a Text?

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The Quick Answer

PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) is the third-most widely produced synthetic plastic polymer, after polyethylene and polypropylene.

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PVC comes in two basic forms: rigid and flexible. The rigid form of PVC is used in construction for pipe, doors and windows. It is also used for bottles, other non-food packaging, and cards (such as bank or credit cards). It can be made softer and more flexible by the addition of plasticizers (the most widely used being phthalates). In this form, it is also used in plumbing, electrical cable insulation, imitation leather, signs, inflatable products, and many other applications where traditional substances such as rubber were used. PVC was accidentally discovered in 1872 by German chemist Eugen Baumann. The polymer appeared as a white solid inside a flask of vinyl chloride that had been left exposed to sunlight. In the early 20th century the Russian chemist Ivan Ostromislensky and Fritz Klatte of the German chemical company Griesheim-Elektron both attempted to use PVC in commercial products, but found it impossible to manufacture rigid PVC with sufficient strength. In 1926, Waldo Semon and the B.F. Goodrich Company succeeded in plasticizing PVC by blending it with various additives. The result was a more flexible and easily processed material that soon achieved widespread commercial use.

Image for PVC

When I write PVC, I mean this:

meaning of PVC

The image shows pipes made of rigid PVC.

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:Polyvinyl Chloride
Guessability:guessability level 2
2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Examples of PVC in Sentences

Here is an example of PVC in a conversation:
  • Charlie: Wow! Did you see the PVC hot pants Kylie wore on stage?
  • Jordan: Yes, they were outrageous. She will give someone a heart attack if she isn't careful!

An Academic Look at PVC

PVC is an initialism abbreviation. This means it is pronounced using its individual letters (i.e., Pee Vee See). Initialisms contrast with acronyms, which are spoken like words

Example of PVC Used in a Text

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