What Does Fashionista Mean in a Text?

homesearch fFASHIONISTA

The Quick Answer

The term Fashionista is used to mean both a "Designer or Producer of High Fashion" and a "Person Obsessed with Fashion."

More Detail...

As a consumer, "fashionistas" are individuals overly preoccupied with surface appearances and the transient world of fashion. They are widely seen as chasing the trends dictated by the fashion industry, often at the expense of personal authenticity or deeper cultural values. Their obsession with staying ahead of fashion trends can lead to a cycle of endless consumption, contributing to materialism and potentially fostering a sense of competition or inadequacy among peers. This fixation on fashion diverts attention and resources away from more substantive issues, implying that the pursuit of style becomes a shallow quest for social approval rather than a genuine expression of individuality.

Image for Fashionista

When I write Fashionista, I mean this:

meaning of Fashionista

"Designer or Producer of High Fashion"

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:Designer or Producer of High Fashion
Guessability:guessability level 3

3: Guessable

Typical Users:typical user


Second Definition of Fashionista

"Person Obsessed with Fashion" is, by far, the most common meaning for Fashionista when it is used in a text. (Bear in mind that it could have another meaning if used in a different context.)
Definition:Person Obsessed with Fashion
Guessability:guessability level 2

2: Quite easy to guess

Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Example of Fashionista Used in a Text

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