What Does DRELFIE Mean in a Text?

hometypes of selfieDRELFIE

The Quick Answer

DRELFIE means "Drunken Selfie" or "Drinking Selfie."

More Detail...

It is a photographic self-portrait taken when drunk or drinking alcohol. DRELFIES are usually posted on social-media networks (usually Instagram or Facebook).

Image for DRELFIE

When I write DRELFIE, I mean this:

meaning of DRELFIE

The image shows two people taking a selfie whilst drunk.

Summary of Key Points

We have summarized the key points in the table below:
Definition:Drunken Selfie
Type:Portmanteau Word
Guessability:guessability level 3

3: Guessable

Typical Users:typical user

Adults and Teenagers

Examples of DRELFIE in Sentences

Here is an example of DRELFIE in a conversation:
  • Tony: We took so many DRELFIES last night!
  • Jordan: I know. I had to untag all the embarrasing ones this morning!

An Academic Look at DRELFIE

The term DRELFIE is a portmanteau word, which is the term for when two words are merged into one. (DOKE (from Diet Coke) is another example of a portmanteau word.)
The term DRELFIE is an amalgam of the words "drunken" and "selfie."

Evolution of the SELFIE

Here is a 3-minute video showing how the SELFIE has evolved:

Example of DRELFIE Used in a Text

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