What Does Beekeeping Age Mean?

Beekeeping Age means "Attractive Older Man."

The term "beekeeping age" has recently become a buzzword on TikTok. It refers to attractive older men, who are generally in their 40s or 50s.

The "beekeeping age" trend stems from an episode of Adult Swim's Rick and Morty that aired on YouTube in May 2020. In the post-credits scene, Jerry, the father of 17-year-old Summer, is seen engaging in his newfound hobby, beekeeping. While observing from the bedroom window, her friend begins to talk to Summer about her dad:
  • Friend: "Look at your dad, such a dork, keeping bees. I mean, it's... at least it's interesting though. I always like... I wish my dad kept bees. I mean, it's kind of cute, like, your dad keeps bees. How old is your dad? He's obviously beekeeping age. I don't know, I think it's kind of sweet. Summer, I wanna [bleep] your dad."
  • Summer: "Oh, really?!"
The audio clip found its way onto TikTok, where it was warmly received by both men of "beekeeping age" and young women with a fondness for such men. Many attractive young female TikTokers posted videos of themselves lip-syncing to the dialogue, further fueling the trend.


♬ original sound - Landing Kolley
"Beekeeping Age" is one of a number of terms used to refer to sexy or good-looking older men. Others include DILF ("Dad I'd Like To F*ck"), GDILF ("Grandad I'd Like To F*ck"), and zaddy ("Attractive and Fashionable (Older) Man").

Image for Beekeeping Age

When I write Beekeeping Age, I mean this:

meaning of Beekeeping Age

"Attractive Older Man"

Summary of Key Points

"Attractive Older Man" is the most common definition for Beekeeping Age on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
Beekeeping Age
Definition:Attractive Older Man
Type:Word (Slang)
Guessability:guessability level 4

4: Difficult to guess

Typical Users:typical user
Adults and Teenagers

An Academic Look at Beekeeping Age

"Beekeeping age" is a slang term. Slang is informal language that consists of words, phrases, and uses of language that are often restricted to a specific context or a particular group of users. Slang is not typically used in formal or professional settings.

"Beekeeping age" may also be considered a neologism. A neologism is a newly coined word or phrase that has recently come into use or has been created to describe a new concept, idea, or phenomenon. Neologisms can be created in any language and can take different forms, such as: Neologisms are often the result of changes in technology, culture, or social norms, and they can be found in fields such as science, technology, politics, and popular culture. Some neologisms become widely used and enter mainstream vocabulary, while others remain obscure or limited to specific communities or contexts.

Example of Beekeeping Age Used in a Text

Beekeeping Age
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